We don’t have many rules but we do have some.

  • No porn, that means nothing explicit, this is not a porn site.
  • No bullying, people come here to chill and chat, they shouldn’t be bullied, they don’t need to be picked on, they don’t need to be constantly hassled.
  • No gifs featuring shit, no skat chat, nothing like that. Although a few people find it funny, the majority of the world does not.
  • No bad names, we need to remember that people have to type to you, most just don’t appreciate bad names and rightly so.
  • No copying of chat names, if it’s obvious who the name is about, there is no confusion, it has to go. There is no need, it’s confusing, and often seen as a form of bullying.
  • Avatars and profile covers need to be clean, they are what people see of you before anything else a lot of the time.

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